Kaduna, Nigeria – 1 Division Nigerian Army on Monday, July 3, 2023, officially kicked off its annual Warrant Officers (WOs) and Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (SNCOs) Competition 2023 at the Nigerian Defence Academy Sports Complex, Ribadu Cantonment.
The Special Guest of Honor for the inaugural ceremony was Air Commodore AA Adedoyin, the former Commander of the 453 Base Service Group of the Nigerian Air Force. In view of the present security problems the country is facing, Air Commodore Adedoyin stressed the importance of ongoing training and operations, particularly in the physical and leadership components. He noted that the competition intends to cultivate leadership abilities, promote a high level of initiative among middle cadre SNCOs, and instill esprit de corps, an important component of the military profession globally.
The Commander of 1 Division Garrison, Brigadier General C. Ogbuabo, welcomed attendees and participants and emphasized the importance of the Senior Non-Commissioned Officers Competition 2023 in his opening remarks. He recognized the growing worries about the need for the Nigerian Army to expand on its successes in addressing the country’s security issues. According to the command philosophy of the Chief of Army Staff, Gen. Ogbuabo assured that sufficient preparations had been made to accomplish the competition’s final objective. He used the occasion to thank Major General TA Lagbaja NAM, the Chief of Army Staff, and the General Officer Commanding 1 Division for helping to secure the required supplies for the contest.
Within the jurisdiction of 1 Division, three brigades are competing in the competition through a variety of drills. These drills cover point-to-point maneuvers, weapon handling, disassembling and reassembling, and map reading. 1 Division Garrison Kaduna, 3 Brigade, and 31 Artillery Brigade are the battling brigades.
The presentation of gifts to the Special Guest of Honor, Air Commodore AA Adedoyin, and a commemorative group photo were the highlights of the opening ceremony. The tournament will proceed with tough training and activities to improve the competitors’ abilities, leadership, and camaraderie, enhancing the overall readiness and effectiveness of 1 Division Nigerian Army.