Air Vice Marshal Hassan Bala Abubakar, the Chief of the Air Staff, has underlined the value of discipline, adherence to the law, and defense of human rights among junior commanders of the Nigerian Armed Forces. During the Armed Forces Command and College, Jaji’s Junior Division Course 95/2023 graduates’ graduation ceremony, he made this call.
As the administration works to reduce insecurity and recover the economy, AVM Abubakar spoke to the graduates and emphasized the heightened expectations placed on the military. He advised the officers to follow the Rules of Engagement, Standard Operating Procedures, and the Armed Forces Act during various operations. These regulations provide a foundation for their actions, especially in counterinsurgency, counterterrorism, and anti-banditry operations.
The graduating officers were also urged by the Chief of Air Staff to establish sound judgment before they rejoin their units. He underlined that greater responsibilities and positions will put their skills to the test and stretch the boundaries of their knowledge and training. AVM Abubakar thanked the graduating officers and advised them to capitalize on the contacts they acquired in Nigeria, especially those from sister African nations. He emphasized that developing these relationships will considerably strengthen bilateral ties and encourage military cooperation in facing new transnational security threats in Africa.
The participants finished the Junior Staff Course, which is meant to give officers a strong foundation and prepare them for staff and field work at the tactical level. The training gives officers with the rank of Captain and equivalents the knowledge and abilities needed to manage men and resources at the junior level and to carry out staff duties. Their leadership, analytical, and communication skills are the main areas that are developed.
157 officers from the Nigerian Army, 57 from the Nigerian Navy, and 84 from the Nigerian Air Force were among the 314 officers that participated in the training. The program also included participation from 10 students from paramilitary organizations and 6 officers from sister African nations, including Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Gambia, and the Republic of Zambia. The Chief of Air Staff attended the graduation ceremony as a special guest of honor on Friday, June 23, 2023.