The Corps Commander Ordnance Maj-Gen AM Alabi on Wednesday 11 January 2023 paid a familiarization visit to Nigerian Army Ordnance Corps formations and units under 2 Division Area of Responsibility.
While welcoming the Corps Commander Ordnance, the GOC 2 Div NA, Maj Gen AS Chinade briefed the CC Ord about the operations of and challenges facing the Div as well as the achievements of the Div. He expressed his satisfaction with the activities of the Commander 2 Division Ordnance Service (CDOS) Brig Gen BA Ilori and other NAOC Officers in the Div for always living up to their responsibilities. The Corps Commander Ordnance in his remarks appreciated the GOC 2 Div NA for his good work. He stated that his visit is borne out of his affection towards the Div and for on-the-ground assessment of NAOC fmns/units within the AOR.
The Corps Commander Ordnance was thereafter briefed by the CDOS who doubles as the Ag Comd Central Ordnance Depot Motor Transport and Technical (COD MT and T) Brig Gen BA Ilori who briefed the CC Ord on activities of the 2 DOS as well as COD MT and T (security, achievements, challenges as well as recommendations). He conducted the CC Ord round in both formations. Notably was the newly constructed Admin Block at the COD MT and T as well as stores and sheds that house spares (parts) of different vehicles.
Maj-Gen AM Alabi thereafter proceeded to 2 Base Ammunition Depot (2BAD) where the CO 2 BAD Lt-Col CD Shogaolu in his brief assured the CC Ord of his undeterred effort at sustaining his (CC Ords’) mission. He conducted the CC Ord around the base. Notably among the places visited was the COs’ accommodation which is under renovation amongst others. The CC Ord after visiting the 2 BAD proceeded to the 2 Div Ordnance Tailoring Factory (2 DOTF) where he was briefed and conducted a round by the Ag CO Maj SN Nwite. Like every other Commander/Commanding Officer visited, the CO 2 Base Ordnance Depot(2BOD) Lt Col OU Osawe briefed the CC Ord on various activities of the Command, and also conducted him around the Depot.
The Corps Commander Ordnance Maj Gen AM Alabi after expressing his satisfaction with the activities and achievements of the visited Commands urged them to build personnel capacity by organizing training programs for their personnel, releasing personnel promptly for courses as well as consolidating on the success and achievements of their superior Commanders. He added that they must continue to maintain the standard to remain relevant.
The familiarization visit climaxed with a sit-out at the Tiger Officer’s Mess which also marked the Send-forth program for the GOC 2 Div who was recently redeployed as GOC 82 Div Nigerian Army.