Maj.-Gen. Aminu Chinade, the recently appointed General Officer Commanding (GOC), 82 Division Nigerian Army, has asked his Commanders and Principal Staff Officers to abstain from any political affiliation during the 2019 general elections. He gave the people of the South East his word that the 82nd Division’s soldiers would continue to carry out their constitutional duties in a professional manner.
During the handing over and taking over ceremony between him and the departing GOC, Maj Gen Umar Musa, at Headquarters 82 Division Enugu, General Chinade said this on February 2, 2023. He pointed out that cooperation between security services is one of the key tools required to successfully combat criminals. In order to fulfill his objective of reducing insecurity in the region, he consequently appealed for assistance from sister services, other security agencies, and stakeholders in the region.
The former GOC of the 82 Division, Maj.-Gen. Umar Musa, who was recently appointed Chief Personnel Management (Army) at AHQ Department of Personnel Management, thanked Almighty God for affording everyone good health and the opportunity to attend the event earlier in his goodbye words. He also expressed his thanks to Lt Gen Faruk Yahaya, Chief of Army Staff (COAS), for giving him the chance to serve as GOC in the 81st and 82nd Divisions, respectively.
General Musa asked the Division’s Commanders and PSOs to offer the new GOC the same assistance they had given him. He pointed out that other criminal activities in addition to IPOB activities provide issues for the South East Region’s insecurity. He also exhorted the region’s good citizens and stakeholders to supply the data that would enable security authorities to fulfill their constitutional obligations in an efficient manner.
The signing and exchanging of handing and taking over notes, the decoration of the new GOC with 82 Division insignia, the transfer of the command flag to the new GOC, and the flying of the new flag at quarter guard were all significant moments in the ceremony.