The Nigerian Defence Academy 2022/2023 Cadets Brigade Inter-Battalion Shooting Competition for Army Cadets enrolled for the 70 Regular Course was won by the Mogadishu Battalion on January 28, 2023, at the NDA Open Range in Afaka, Kaduna. The battalion did better than Burma Battalion, which received a score of 264.8 overall, earning a total of 271.6. This is as a result of the fact that Dalet Battalion came in third with 264 points, while Abysinnia Battalion came in fourth overall with a score of 232.4 points.
Physical effort shooting, transition shooting, moving target shooting, combat medic shooting, and falling plate shooting were the four primary competitions in which all four battalions took part. The Burma Battalion came in second with 80 points, followed by Dalet with 60 points, and the Abyssinia Battalion with 40 points in the Falling Plate shooting. The Mogadishu Battalion came in first with 100 points. The purpose of the competition is to evaluate the cadets’ proficiency and competence in shooting and handling weapons, both of which are crucial skills in ground combat.
Before making his opening remarks, the Commandant of the Nigerian Defence Academy, Maj Gen IM Yusuf, thanked the Special Guest of Honor (SGOH), Maj Gen MS Ahmed, Commander of the Nigerian Army Armoured Corps in Bauchi, describing him as a “thoroughbred general.” As a result, the Commander gave the participating cadets instructions to listen carefully and absorb the SGOH’s wealth of information as he talked. Maj Gen IM Yusuf stated that in order for the cadets to take use of their vast professional skills, the Academy frequently invites specialists from different fields to activities. He urged the cadets to take advantage of this special chance as a result.
Maj Gen. IM Yusuf also stated that proficiency with firearms and shooting are crucial skills for cadets to possess in order to perform well as professionals soldiers and deal with contemporary security challenges, particularly on the battlefield. “All ground confrontations are built on fire and mobility, known in military language as Maneuver warfare; tactical aptitude, which individual cadets must acquire to confront opposition decisively,” General Yusuf asserted.
The ceremony’s Special Guest of Honor, Maj.-Gen MS Ahmed, thanked the Commandant NDA for the unique opportunity and declared the event to be finished. He commended Maj.-Gen. IM Yusuf for his exceptional accomplishments in the field of cadet training and for being a great mentor. The SGOH was satisfied with the degree of competence displayed by the cadets, which, in his opinion, demonstrated the excellent caliber of instruction offered by the Academy. There must always be a victor, General Ahmed said as he congratulated the Mogadishu Battalion on winning and urged the other contenders to exert even more effort. In addition to calling the event spectacular, he lauded the DMT, CBC, and the teachers for their relentless pursuit of the greatest cadet training possible.